Friday, October 28, 2005

Things that annoy me..

Things that annoy me!

blah... lots of things annoy me these days... heres a list of them

·Smokers! Jeez, whats so great about it? pretty much every puff u take puts a new black spot on ur lung! Also, every puff u take takes away 7mins in ur life... times that by about 25 years maybe more... life is gonna be short for u.

·Stoners. Smoke, sniff, inject and eat things that make u feel weird. If u eat enough candy u get the same effect without the dieing! Plus, drugs make u sit in a corner and shiver while lil funny looking gnomes poke u with a stick.

·People who ask u for something over and over again after u said no. One of my friends do that. Usually its for my mp3 player. It really bugs me cuz she trys to bargain with me to get it like "i wont bug u anymore if u let me listen to it" i let her listen to it, and the next day, she starts bugging me again! GRRR

·When people are trying to talk to me when i have my mp3 player on and im listening to that, then they get mad at me for not listening. its not my fault, u should eather ask me to take them off for a second or not talk to me till i take them off myself!

·George W Bush. I cant believe that americans were stupid enough to vote for a guy like that! He was almost assasinated by a dam pretzel! He wouldnt lift a finger for the katrina victims and wanted to go to war, and i highly doubt that he'll help for the hurricane Wilma victims eather. jeez what an ASS!

·People who are all talk and no action. Theres a couple people in my school who are just like that, lets name them the Preps. My one friend gave my other friend the finger, and the preps think that she was pointing it at them. So they come over and they're like, "y did u give my friend the middle finger?!, we dont like that. If u do it again we're gonna hurt u". The next day they came up to my friend and told her to tell my other friend that gave them the finger to not do that or they're really gonna hurt her. So my friend mouthed off to them and the Preps said "we're gonna get u, just u wait"... they completely forgot about the whole thing.

·People who complain that their lives are horrible and don't try and fix the things that are going wrong. They keep complaining and wineing and ERG!Then after they're done complaining, they go to the corner and have a smoke or a puff of some sorta drug. um.. hint hint people, THAT DOESNT HELPANTHING!!!!!

·When i dont think before i act... that gets my into alot of trouble, now aimie (ive forgiven her) is pissed at me for putting that stuff about her...god im such a fucking retard.. why do i do this stuff? i dont think about it till something bad from it happens, and now that something bad has happened, i feel absolutly horrible... aimie, if ur reading this.... im so sorry...stupid emotions, making me cry....·

Those are some of the things that piss me off:P


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