Thursday, December 08, 2005

holy shit i havent made a blog in a long time..

Im back i guess, at least for now..

School, something that your parents make you suffer through, and when you say you hate it, they say this think like ''you wanna know how far I had to walk when i went to school?" or "All we had in school were those little chalkboards for notebooks" •_•
My friends are nice to me, thats one good thing about school, another is that you dont have recess in high school, so your not bored outta your mind for about 45 minutes or so...and in the winter your not freezing your ass off like last year where the weather got about -40 degrees, and the teachers made us go outside and said ''go outside its good for you, its not that cold!" ... um, excuse me? HAVE YOU GONE OUTSIDE OR ARE YOU SITTING NICE AND COMFY AROUND THE DAM HEATER?!..¿

This year i have not sure how many but alot more friends ever since ive came to Korah... some are Shinea, Ty, Paula, alot of other people that i know but dont really hangout with..:D

YES! i think im gonna make it for my 14th anniversary of not having a BOYFRIEND! YAY! (if your wondering, im not a les, and i dont date.. nobodys even asked me anyway which makes me happier)

Ty, a friend of mine, just bcuz we hangout all the time kelsey keeps thinking that we like each other.. and i dont mean in the friendly way. Neather one of us give ANY signs of it, so i have no idea where she gets this stuff. Now shes telling us that we should go out sometime soon. Well i got news for you kelsey, BOTH OF US WANT TO BE JUST FRIENDS!!