Sunday, April 09, 2006

Things that annoy me Part. 2

Muahahaha! I can rant about things and nobody can stop me..well..almost nobody..

•People that talk about themselves all the time and don't give a care in the world for anyone else. Yah, sure I talk about myself quite a bit, but not so much that i don't care for others! Theres some people who are like "Boo hoo, my friend has a b/f and wont talk to me and ignores me!" or "I can't take it anymore, people make fun of me, my dads an ass, my moms a bitch, my sisters even more of a bitch, im cutting my wrists so i get noticed more!"

•When you come to school in the morning, ur tired, u want to be alone for at least 5 mins, but a friend of yours just comes up behind u and stands RIGHT in ur face..and u dont even have ur locker open yet! Your opening ur locker, u step bak to open it, and u bump into them. If your tired enough, it scares the living shit outta you!

•Drugs/Alcohol/Smoking- Drugs: Take a puff, u stumble around like a complete retard and see lil creatures that you can't even imagine when your normal..just to feel "good" or "I just wanna experiment" >_<>
Alcohol: glug glug bottoms up! More like ur ass in the air while you barf ur fucking GUTS OUT! I dont even know how people can like the stuff, it tastes absolutely disgusting, that might be another reason why people throw up after awhile.
Smoking: Puff Puff, woo hoo im relaxed *sarcasm* 3 words: WHAT THE FUCK? How does a cigarette RELAX you! Its got chemicals and crap in that one little cancer stick that you probably cant even pronounce! Know what? Keep going, i would love to tell u to ur face in 15-20 years while your in a hospital bed : "HA! I TOLD YOU SO!" 3 more words: IT CAUSES CANCER! deal with ur problems some other way. I wish i could find the guy that invented cigarettes and tie him up and burn him in many places with those very cigarettes in places you couldn't IMAGINE!


I remember when getting high meant swinging at the playgrounds. The worst thing you could get from a girl was cooties. Race issues were who could run the fastest. The only thing you smoked were the tires on your bike. Life was so simple and carefree, but the thing I remember the most was wanting to grow up.